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Sheet Metal Occupational Health Institute Trust Names New Program Director

October 5, 2021

Aldo-Zambetti-SMOHIT-safety-and-healthAldo Zambetti has joined the Sheet Metal Occupational Health Institute Trust Inc. (SMOHIT) program director. “My new job is to enhance and maintain programs that SMOHIT offers,” Zambetti says. “I will be focusing on pulling together all the threads of jobsite safety: physical safety, illness prevention and mental safety.” 

Zambetti began his new job by spending a significant amount of time on SMOHIT’s suicide prevention measures and integrating those efforts into the Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation (SMART) Member Assistance Program (MAP). He’s also working on the SMOHIT website to make sure necessary resources are readily available to members. Jointly sponsored by SMART, the International Association of workers, and the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association SMOHIT was founded in 1986 to address the impact of decades-long asbestos exposure on those working in the sheet metal industry.

Technologies: Safety


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