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Six Sigma Excellence Earns MA Metal Recognition

September 1, 2010

Cummins Inc. presented a Chairman’s Award to metalforming company M A Metal Co., Inc., Edinburgh, IN, for its commitment to Six Sigma management philosophies designed to improve process and product quality, eliminate waste and defects, and save money. The award-winning project, in which the Cummins engine-business global purchasing staff had to quickly identify new, niche suppliers of oil pans and covers, was one of 40 that Cummins selected from among its 4000 Six Sigma projects in 2009.

Says Ronnie Burton, M A Metal’s vice president of operations and a student in Cummins’ Six Sigma Supplier Training: “Our contributions to this project taught us how we can use Six Sigma to improve product and service delivery to all of our metalforming and stamping customers.”


See also: M A Metal Co Inc

Technologies: Quality Control


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