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Schuler, Positech to Provide Laminating Presses

February 1, 2008

An agreement between Schuler Inc., Canton, MI, and Positech, Lexington, TN, has Schuler supplying the mechanical portions of Models N8C and N20C manually operated notchers, and Positech integrating its Compuslot controls and servo-drive technology to provide presses used to produce electric-motor laminations. Schuler will handle the spare-parts, service and retrofit programs for the presses. It’s also responsible for sales and marketing of N8C and N20C Compu-slot notchers, as well as the service of all existing and new Positech notching presses installed in North America.

Industry-Related Terms: Notching
View Glossary of Metalforming Terms


See also: Schuler North America

Technologies: Stamping Presses


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