Tribotesting for Metalforming Lubricant Applications: A Formulator’s Perspective
This presentation categorizes and describes available tribotest methods and a system for selecting appropriate tribotests for metalforming operations.
Ted McClure, Technical Resources Manager, SLC Testing Services/Sea-Land Chemical
Selecting the Right Lubricant for the Workpiece Material—Aluminum, Steel Stainless Steel
Many of today’s newer substrates found in steels, stainless alloys, advanced ultra-high-strength steels and aluminum alloys require different lubricant considerations. Determining which lubricant to use requires a full review of the variables to help determine the best product for the process. This presentation reviews a proven methodology for selecting the right metalforming lubricant based on the substrate.
Chris Fletcher, Product Specialist, and Bob Anderson, Product Specialist—Senior Sales Engineer, Tower Metalworking Fluids
Lubricant Strategies for Lightweighting
The use of lighter-weight metals plays an important role in the automotive industry’s strategy to improve fuel efficiency and passenger safety in vehicles. This presentation discusses some of the effects these metals have on stampings, and lubricant technologies that can help.
Paul Bosler, Product Manager, Fuchs Lubricants
A Metalformer's Green Initiative Turns Waste Oil Into a Moneymaker
This presentation discusses conservation during the lubricant-application process, as well as reclaiming, processing and reusing waste oil to gain a financial advantage. Other topics to be addressed include regulatory hurdles, and being "green" by avoiding the introduction of waste oils into the environment.
Nate Moore, Maintenance and Facilities Manager, Talan Products Inc.
Regulations Impacting the Metal Forming Industry in North America
This presentation addresses global regulations such as the Global Harmonized Standard (GHS) and regional regulations such as California's Proposition 65 and the SCAQMD's VOC directive. North American regulations affecting the use of specific metalworking-fluid additives such as chlorinated paraffins also will be reviewed.
Patrick Brutto, Principal, Faith-Full MWF Consulting; Neil Canter, Principal, Chemical Solutions
Day 2

Optimizing the Lubricant-Application Process
Proper lubrication often is overlooked as a contributor to lowering costs, improving quality and achieving higher throughput. Yet, a proper lubrication-management solution can yield significant savings. This presentation illustrates how inconsistency in lubrication mixing and application can adversely affect operations and also illustrates the benefits of precise, accurate and controllable lubrication delivery and application. Case histories detailing improvements at companies that have transitioned from manual to automated systems will be presented.
Troy Turnbull, President, Industrial Innovations
Consistent Lube Application—Looking Critically at Your Application, and How You Can Uncover Shortcomings in Your Processes
This presentation focuses on the use of lubrication in various metalforming processes, discussing both the importance of lubricant and why it can be a costly item to overlook. From fluid selection to the way it is applied, there’s great room for improvement. Two metalforming case studies will be reviewed and discussed.
Mark Cooper, Director of International Sales, and Kyle Billin, Regional Sales Manager, Unist, Inc.
Lubricants for the Toolroom
This presentation focuses on machining coolants used to manufacture dies and tool sets. Die manufacturing involves machining hard alloys that present unique challenges. The lubrication chemistry behind selecting the proper metalworking fluids for difficult-to-machine high-hardness and high-nickel alloys will be covered, as will environmental and workplace concerns related to grinding carbide, EDM fluids and rust preventives for die storage.
Rick Butler, R&D Manager, DuBois Chemicals
Solvent Cleaning—It’s Not Your Father’s Solvent-Cleaning Process Anymore
Selecting the right solvent technology and equipment remains more challenging than ever. This talk addresses best practices for selection, while contrasting the benefits and unique characteristics of the many options available to manufacturing operations that prefer solvent cleaning. Also on the agenda: performance and EH&S requirements.
Tom Forsythe, Executive Vice President, Kyzen
Parts-Cleaning Fundamentals—Importance of Cleaning and Rinsing
This presentation discusses various mechanical and chemical cleaning technologies, enabling managers to make intelligent decisions in the selection, design, installation and upgrade of cleaning systems. Topics include soils, substrates, cleaners, rinsing and drying, and the means to verify cleaning and rinsing effectiveness, as well as process automation, safety, troubleshooting and preventive maintenance of process equipment.
Suresh Patel, Sales Director, Chemetall US, Inc. MF
View Glossary of Metalforming Terms
See also: Tower Metalworking Fluids, Quaker Houghton, Unist, Inc., FUCHS Lubricants Co., BASF-Chemetall
Technologies: Lubrication