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Combo Multiblanking Lines

December 1, 2019

In sheet metal processing, ever greater flexibility of blank sizes is required for complex applications. However, processing with separate cut-to-length and slitting lines is time-consuming and carried out only in several steps. For this reason, Burghardt + Schmidt (B+S) GmbH has developed multiblanking systems that combine both work steps in a single run. This means that changing cut sizes can happen without additional logistics costs. The systems enable a speed of up to 100 m/min. with plug-in limits of over 1000 N/mm² and material strengths of over 1500 N/mm². Thanks to inspection measures, these are particularly suitable for sensitive surfaces such as stainless steel and aluminum strips.

"To avoid delays caused by external suppliers, many of our customers demand the integration of slitting shears in their cut-to-length lines,” reports Thomas Baral, managing director of B+S GmbH. "Therefore, we have used the synergy effects of the individual companies of the B+S group to develop flexible systems for these high quality requirements.” With the new multiblanking systems, several precise and individual sheet metal blanks can be produced in one run.

Up to Five Strips at 100 m/min.

The multiblanking lines, designed for sheets with a material width of up to 2500 mm and 0.1 to 6.0 mm thick, combine a cut-to-length line with a slitting line. "Before the first cut, the coil is first leveled and then cut into longitudinal strips," explains Baral. "The strips then are cut crosswise, resulting in as many as five blanks per segment in the desired length. Due to the large number of sheet blanks with small dimensions, the stacking and packaging area plays an important role. We’ve paid attention to different stacking techniques such as a vacuum, magnetic tape or swing arm."

Industry-Related Terms: Blank, Lines, Run, Stainless Steel, Strips
View Glossary of Metalforming Terms


See also: Burghardt + Schmidt GmbH

Technologies: Coil and Sheet Handling


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