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EV Battery Manufacturing

August 16, 2021
Are you interested in the manufacturing steps and challenges in the production of EV battery packs?  Join us on September 23 at 2 p.m. for this webinar where we will discuss battery cell, module, and tray manufacturing, including assembly, while focusing on managing quality issues that can arise in the production process.  Each pack requires thousands of welds, so even a 1% fail rate is a serious production issue.

Metal formers will learn about how virtual manufacturing can play a vital role in achieving a consistent, high-quality production processes.  These tools will address design and cost engineering, virtual forming, and virtual assembly in battery manufacturing.

We will review how approaches to production quality and material utilization can be optimized. Further, we will cover how connecting the assembly process to a smart manufacturing workflow, from design through assembly and inspection can help achieve high quality requirements.

1. Steps of EV Battery Manufacturing
2. EV Battery Manufacturing – Challenges
3. Solutions in Virtual Manufacturing
a. Design and Cost Engineering
b. Virtual Forming
c. Virtual Welding & Joining

Speaker: Michel Pereme, Director Global Channel Business of Hexagon’s Virtual Manufacturing and Costing Center of Excellence
Industry-Related Terms: Center, Forming, Material Utilization
View Glossary of Metalforming Terms


See also: Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence

Technologies: Software


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