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Simplify Your Metal Additive Manufacturing Workflow

March 28, 2019

Eliminate the need to work with multiple software through an independent integrated metal AM software solution.

Metal 3D printing is revolutionizing the manufacturing process however did you know there is a critical step most people overlook?

A gap exists between your 3D CAD model and your 3D printed part. CAD solutions do not include the proper tools for a file to be ready for Additive Manufacturing, meaning sending a CAD file directly to print will usually fail.

To be consistently successful with metal 3D printing, a set of preparation activities using dedicated tools is required. Without proper preparation, getting a good metal print, even with a good metal printer, can be challenging if not impossible.

In order to close the gap you need to use dedicated AM software that will optimize the model and prepare the build for print.

While the cost of AM software is typically only a fraction of the printer cost, its impact on the entire TCO of your AM process is extremely high. Once the printer and material are selected, the parameters that affect the build TCO—such as optimization and workflow efficiencies—are all controlled by the AM software.

Register for our webinar and 3D Systems software experts will share their invaluable insights based on their extensive additive and subtractive manufacturing experience, such as:

  • How a streamlined metal AM process will help you reduce your lead-time, so you can meet the most demanding customer deadlines
  • How productivity is the critical factor in achieving a fast return on your AM investment and improving business profitability
  • Why an independent integrated software solution is superior to multiple independent AM software solutions
  • The challenges to be aware of when looking to build your AM facilities
  • What to look for in an AM software vendor
  • A sneak peek into 3DXpert™ – The only all-in-one integrated AM software
Industry-Related Terms: Bar Coding, CAD, Gas Metal Arc Welding GMAW, Model
View Glossary of Metalforming Terms


See also: 3D Systems



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