Advantages Upon Part Receipt

The Autodie team obtains excellent results when first receiving a part from a customer, according to Brouwer.

“The software has a lot of tools for tipping a part (orienting it to the most favorable pressing angle), analyzing backdraft and draw angles, determining depths of draw, and establishing a binder shape,” he explains. “With its parametric environment, we can go back in if something did not work well and we did not get, say, an ideal gravity drop of the blank onto the binder shape or a good binder wrap. Tools allow for rapid adjustments to address those issues.”

Adding draw beads and draw bars are other tasks eased via the software, according to Brouwer.

“It offers a nice suite for draw-bead creation, which can be time consuming for us,” he says. “The draw-bead-creation tools are fully parameterized, making it simple to create different transition areas for restraining forces, and seeing those changes take shape.”

And the list goes on.

“You can automatically place bypass notches into a part overlap for the nest trim,” Brouwer says. “And, automated flanging and wiping tools are big assists in the initial tool build. While tools like these are ideal for working with big Class A automotive dies, this software can show immense efficiency gains with small to medium-sized parts as well.”

A user-friendly template structure in ProcessDesigner eases the job process when multiple users are working on the same project, and aids in a consistent work flow among those users, according to Brouwer. In addition, Autodie uses AutoForm QuickLink for rapid data exchange between Catia and AutoForm stand-alone simulation software.

“We don’t have to perform a lot of extra work or translations,” Brouwer says, “as the software handles that in the background, eliminating unnecessary intermediate steps and translations.” MF

Industry-Related Terms: Blank, CAD, Case, CNC, Die, Draw, Forming, Point, Spectrum, Surface, Tolerance
View Glossary of Metalforming Terms


See also: Autoform Engineering USA

Technologies: Software


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