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AWS Introduces Online Career-Management Tool

September 1, 2015

The American Welding Society (AWS) has launched AWS WeldLink, a career planning and management system, to bring together individuals, businesses and schools in the welding industry. 

AWS WeldLink, at, is designed to address professional welder development, allowing users to create an online profile to aid in mapping their current skills and knowledge by tracking certifications, education and work history. The system then uses that information to match users with welding career paths, locate welding programs and directly enroll in training programs through AWS Learning, AWS’s online education program. Users also can view open positions in welding companies with direct connections to apply.

Businesses can create their own WeldLink profiles to identify and recruit individuals with the right skills, post job listings, and stay on top of welding-technology advances. Academic institutions can create profiles to access welding education resources, recruit students and help those students find employment.

AWS WeldLink is available to all AWS members as well as the welding community.


See also: American Welding Society (AWS) Headquarters

Technologies: Training, Welding and Joining


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