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Delta Motion Launches Updated Website

December 19, 2023

Delta Computer Systems, Inc. (Delta Motion) announces the official launch of its redesigned website, to provide users with a more valuable, user-friendly and responsive resource on mobile and desktop devices. Among highlights of the website update:

  • Simplified navigation, streamlined for user convenience and including downloads for firmware, software, datasheets, and technical information.
  • Reorganized solutions page to provide easy access to case studies, white papers, application notes, magazine articles and videos.
  • Efficient sales and distribution section.

"We are excited to unveil our updated website, a testament to our commitment to providing a seamless and informative experience for our users. The redesign ensures that accessing technical solutions not only is easier but also more enjoyable, whether from desktop computers or mobile devices," says Gary Nasca, Delta Motion marketing manager.


See also: Delta Motion

Technologies: Pressroom Automation


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