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Automatic Spring Products Corp. Announces New President to Lead Operations

November 15, 2021

scott-zylstra-automatic-spring-productsTo position the company for its next level of growth, Automatic Spring Products Corp. (ASPC), Grand Haven, MI, has promoted CFO Scott Zylstra to the role of president and CFO, to allow longtime president and CEO Steve Moreland to focus exclusively on the strategic future of the company.  Zylstra will add responsibility for leading the day-to-day operations to his existing financial duties at ASPC. This will enable Moreland to concentrate his efforts on the company’s strategic future from the standpoint of technology, products, processes, customers and markets to enhance long-term profitability. Moreland will remain CEO. 

ASPC is a technology-focused, high-volume manufacturer of custom-designed springs, wire forms, flat springs, stampings and assemblies. It has more than 350 employees working in plants in Grand Haven and in Monterrey, Mexico.

Technologies: Other Processes


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