The move to IIoT already has yielded significant returns for Pacesetter. For a recently completed project, Industrial Intelligence installed sensors designed to track production schedules throughout the plant. The information revealed two bottlenecks: one in which coils were not immediately ready for processing, causing a production slowdown, and another where the skids on which the coils are placed weren’t always ready.
By real-time monitoring the status of both coil and skids, and alerting key personnel when production slowed, Pacesetter was able to push the production schedule through the existing ERP system. This increased productivity at the Atlanta plant by 30 percent. Similar implementations in the other two facilities yielded similar productivity increases.
Taking the First Step
According to Darren Tessitore, COO of Industrial Intelligence, the process for determining possible ROI begins with a factory walk-through with manufacturing-process experts and IIoT engineers who understand the back-end technologies. A detailed analysis then is prepared, outlining the scope of the recommended IIoT implementation, exact areas and opportunities for improvement, and the location of new sensors.
“The analysis gives us the ability to build the ROI,” says Tessitore. “We’ll know exactly how much money this will make by making the changes. This removes much of the risk out of it, so executives are not guessing how IIoT might help.”
Following the analysis, companies such as Industrial Intelligence can provide a solution that covers the entire gamut: specifying and installing hardware and software, station monitors, etc.; building real-time alerts, reports and analytics; training management on how to use data points to increase profits; and continuously monitoring and improving the system as needed.
“Unless you’re a huge company, you really don’t have someone to create a cost-effective solution that enables you to compete with the larger players in the space,” says Leebow Wolmer.
“It’s not a one-size-fits-all approach,” she adds. “Providers such as Industrial Intelligence have some things that can give you a little bit of IIoT, or they can take an entire factory to a whole new level. By doing this they can be cost-effective for a variety of organizations.” MF
Article supplied by Industrial Intelligence, Kenneshaw, GA; tel. 770/462-2940,
See also: Pacesetter Systems
Technologies: Management, Sensing/Electronics/IOT
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