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Why Would You Recommend a Career in Manufacturing to Women?

November 29, 2021

In 2016, MetalForming magazine proudly began honoring Women of Excellence in the metal forming and fabricating industries, annually recognizing women who make our industry progressive, dynamic and innovative. This issue of MetalForming recognizes another 48 such women, and senior editor Lou Kren and I very much appreciate the opportunity to present their inspirational stories of dedication and hard work. The goal of this program not only is to recognize excellence in our industry, but also to help support those women that may be interested in a similar career. We hope that these awards help inspire those who follow.

With this year’s class of honorees, we will have recognized more than 300 women—those working from the shop floor to the top floor demonstrating a commitment to the metal forming and fabricating industry and distinguishing themselves through their achievements and daily dedication.

In the special section in this issue, we include from each winner a quote, answering the question: Why would you recommend a career in manufacturing to women? You’ll enjoy reading their replies, as each has arrived in manufacturing in her own unique way. I share just a few responses here, and encourage you to read on, beginning on page 26.
From Katie Barry, quality manager, Marion Mfg. Co.:

“Manufacturing is a breeding ground for innovation, problem solving and career advancement. In a male-dominant industry, women offer a unique perspective that encourages thought-provoking solutions to complex matters. I believe that women have a variety of inherently distinctive skillsets including multi-tasking, creative thinking and leadership, which results in a more diverse labor force.”

Amber Thomas, team lead at Maclean Power System, writes: “As a child, my parents always told me that I could do anything I want, and to push through the gender stereotypes.  Now is the perfect time as a woman to go into manufacturing/fabrication; it’s a growing field and needs skilled labor.”

And finally, from Kathleen Kane, global vice president of quality, Kirchhoff Automotive:

“As we look at the opportunities a woman has in building business acumen, manufacturing provides a dynamic environment to master skills woven into her role as a leader, coach and mentor.  Manufacturing embraces a complex ecosystem of internal and external stakeholders that generates iterative learning, knowledge sharing and growth from multi-generational cultures. Manufacturing provides a powerful opportunity for a woman’s lens—her values and beliefs—to influence, impact and change a single person’s life on the shop floor, and impact the company’s senior leadership strategy.”

The celebration continues where we provide an extended Women of Excellence presentation featuring winner biographies and comments from their nominators.

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