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Working Group Formed to Improve Medical-Device Quality, Supply-Chain Resiliency

February 28, 2023

Representatives from the medical-device industry, government, and industry associations have formed a working group to identify and recommend best practices to improve medical-device quality and enhance supply-chain resiliency. This new Best Practices in Supply Chain Resiliency and Quality Working Group aims to expand the adoption of the MedAccred program (administered by the Performance Review Institute) through the tiers in the supply chain, identify best practices to supplement efforts in quality assurance and procurement strategies, and to help mitigate supply-chain risks. The working group will provide clear considerations for key stakeholders, including medical-device OEMs and contract manufacturers, as well as the U.S. FDA, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NIST and others.

As part of its efforts, the working group will seek and evaluate lessons learned from other industries including aerospace and automotive. A critical outcome will be to identify the highest-value critical manufacturing processes in medical-device development with the aim of implementing the MedAccred program to mitigate supply-chain risk, reduce quality escapes and improve patient safety.

For more information, contact Justin McCabe, MedAccred operations manager. 

Technologies: Management


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