Manufacturing Needs a Youth Injection
August 17, 2018Comments
The 3D metal-printing community is no exception to the headline’s message. The good news is that the “sex appeal” of additive manufacturing (AM) gives it as good a chance of any manufacturing technology of attracting the next generation of workers into our facilities.
As Manufacturing Day (MFG Day) rapidly approaches (it’s Friday, October 5), I would challenge every company involved in AM, users and suppliers alike, to go “all in” with their MFG Day activities. Visit the event website to learn how to get involved, by hosting tours, sponsoring events and more.
In their promotional efforts, the organizers of MFG Day (the National Association of Manufacturers) are pushing a new theme this year: Open Doors, Open Minds—Inspire the Next Generation of Manufacturers.
They ask, “How do you get students to pursue manufacturing careers?” The answer, posted on the MFG Day website:“Spark student interest by exposing them to modern manufacturing in action, and letting them find what inspires them, whether it’s the technology, the creativity, the problem solving, the team attitude, or the reassurance of good pay and benefits and high job security.”