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New Lube for Aluminum-Rod Breakdown and Wire Drawing

May 1, 2008
Etna Products, Inc., Chagrin Falls, OH, has developed a series of aluminum-rod breakdown and wire-drawing products in the MasterDraw product line.

Applications for MasterDraw 5129 are slow- to high-speed breakdown and intermediate drawing while MasterDraw 5127 applications include high-speed breakdown and intermediate drawing. MasterDraw 5124 is made for fine-wire drawing while MasterDraw 5122 can be used for ultra-fine drawing and cabling.

The proprietary lubrication package incorporated in the MasterDraw 5100 series of products enables high-quality drawing of even the most difficult aluminum alloys over a range of diameters and speeds, according to company officials.

Etna Products, Inc.: 440/543-9845;

Industry-Related Terms: Alloys, Drawing
View Glossary of Metalforming Terms


See also: ETNA Products, Inc.

Technologies: Lubrication


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