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Need the Brawn of Chlorinated Solvents Without the Added Cost or Safety Concerns?

January 1, 2011
For fabricators struggling to efficiently and effectively degrease their products, the Safechem North America subsidiary of Dow Chemical Co., Midland, MI, developed (just in time for Fabtech 2010) the Safecare closed-loop delivery system for safely handling chlorinated and modified alcohols manufactured by Dow. Used in Europe since the 1990s, the system is available for a fixed, monthly lease fee that includes sealed solvent-degreasing equipment, waste management, technical support/training and use of stabilizers, additives and test kits. It virtually eliminates worker exposure and emissions.

Say company officials: “This is a new and unique business model for companies in the automotive, aerospace, electronics and medical industries, where the need for precision solvent-based cleaning is often critical.”

Safechem North America: 877/376-8343;

Industry-Related Terms: Model
View Glossary of Metalforming Terms


See also: Safechem North America, LLC

Technologies: Lubrication


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