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Drawing and Stamping Fluid

August 1, 2008
Houghton International Inc., Valley Forge, PA, introduces Houghto-Draw 7060, an environmentally friendly drawing and stamping fluid for use with high- and low-carbon steel, alloy steels, stainless steels, and titanium and inconel alloys.

The fluid produces low foam and is compatible with hard-water operations. It suits light- to heavy-duty operations and can replace the use of multiple products to eliminate cross-contamination. The lubricant offers good corrosion protection without staining for in-process protection of machinery and parts. Additionally, it provides good stamping and forming capabilities that increase tool life and improve surface finishing.

Houghton International Inc.: 610/666-4103;

Industry-Related Terms: Drawing, Forming, Surface
View Glossary of Metalforming Terms


See also: Quaker Houghton

Technologies: Lubrication


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