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Laser-Hardening Service for Automotive Dies

April 28, 2020
bilsing-laser-heat-treat Bilsing Automation, Attendorn, Germany, has added laser-heattreating (LHT) services, for hardening of automotive forming and stamping dies, to its service offerings. LHT, performed at the company’s innovation center in Bursa, Turkey, precisely applies the laser beam to the work spot with minimal heating of adjoining areas, providing millisecond speed control for near-zero distortion and consistent hardness depth. This dimensional control means that post-hardening material removal can be limited to polishing and abrasion, eliminating the need for hard milling as typically required by induction, furnace and flame-heating hardening processes.

Bilsing can apply the process to any steel with 0.2-percent carbon content or higher, and can handle die sizes from 1 to 5000 cm and weighing as much as 30 tons. It also provides any necessary secondary dimensional operations.  

Industry-Related Terms: Center, Die, Forming, LASER, Polishing
View Glossary of Metalforming Terms


See also: Bilsing Automation North America

Technologies: Finishing


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