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Outgassing Solution

Our experience shows two effective solutions to this problem, one to be addressed by a change in the usual plating process, and the other by a change in the usual powder-coating procedure.

1) Following plating, platers should eliminate the normal chromate-application step, which can contribute to chemicals remaining trapped, and then bake the finished parts for 1 hr. to release any chemicals.

2) Powder coaters, after they have applied the powder, should extend the time of their normal curing process and allow their ovens to slowly ramp up to curing temperature. This will allow the top layer of powder to remain soft for a longer time, enabling gases to release through the coating before it hardens, and avoiding pinholes and bubbles in the finished surface.

Sharing Knowledge is Beneficial

Open communication is vital among platers, coaters and metalformers. Greater knowledge about each other’s processes always leads to better results, reduction of failures and improved customer satisfaction.

Metalformers, platers and coaters should view each other as partners and keep each other informed about how our processes work. For example, Gatto gives metalformers and coaters a full tour of its 210,000-sq.-ft. facility and a thorough explanation of each of the plating processes. Our specialists describe in detail how products are handled during the plating process, what finishes are used in plating and what can motivate a change from one particular finish to another.

As technology is constantly changing in both of our industry segments, it is essential that we alert each other when changes that take place in one industry may affect operations in the other. MF

Industry-Related Terms: Oxidation, Surface, Chromate, Corrosion Resistance, Electroplating, Layer, Powder Coating
View Glossary of Metalforming Terms

Technologies: Finishing, Materials


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