Punch Technology for Thin Turret Tooling
August 1, 2013Comments

Wilson Tool Intl., White Bear Lake, MN, has developed its EXP punch technology for thin turret-style tooling. Previously available only for thick turret tooling, EXP uses a standard holder with universal punches—switching between punches reportedly occurs as much as four times faster than with traditional punches. All EXP punches come standard with Wilson Tool’s exclusive Ultima premium tool steel, optimizing punch life.
In addition, Wilson Tool now offers HPX guide assemblies for thin turret tooling. The guide assemblies combine EXP punch technology with the firm’s HP2 punch-adjustment capabilities, including tool-free punch-length adjustment.
Wilson Tool: 651/286-6000; www.wilsontool.com
See also: Impax Tooling Solutions, A Div. of Wilson Tool International
Technologies: CNC Punching, Tooling