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New Website for 3-Dimensional Services

June 1, 2016

The 3-Dimensional Services Group, Rochester Hills, MI, has launched a newly designed responsive website,, that makes the company’s prototyping and production capabilities available to engineers and product managers working on any device…mobile, tablet or desktop.

The new site features a cleaner layout and simple-to-use navigation, and details the company’s core competencies and deliverables, including functional prototypes, low-volume production and service/recall-parts manufacturing. It also highlights the variety of manufacturing technologies and resources the company offers, including stamping, fabricating, CNC machining and plastic injection molding. The site also provides detailed information on the variety of components and assemblies produced through a sampling of case studies across various industries. It also provides a comprehensive contact form, a blog area to share information and a direct RFQ to the company’s sales engineers.

Industry-Related Terms: Case, CNC, Core, Form
View Glossary of Metalforming Terms


See also: 3-Dimensional Services Group

Technologies: CNC Punching, Stamping Presses


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