Feather Edge
Material thinning toward an edge, creating an irregular knife-edge, tattered appearance.
A process consisting of heating a desired area, usually localized, with an oxyacetylene torch or other type of high temperature flame and then quenched to produce a desired hardness.
Coating surface which displays no gloss when observed at any angle; a perfectly diffused reflecting surface.
A two dimensional development that represents the part before it is formed into a three dimensional shape.
Hardware which allows the threaded portion to move within its particular confines without rotating, to compensate for misalignment.
A drawing which superimposes the cross section contour of a roll formed part at each roll station, starting with the flat incoming material and ending with the desired profile. It depicts the anticipated flow of material in the forming process.
The system used in rollforming to cut the formed shape to length in a continuous operation. Similar in action to a punch press, but designed to allow the die to move in line with the rollformed shape during the cutoff cycle, and to make a cut on the fly.
Operation converting a flat sheet metal workpiece into a three dimensional part. See, also Bending and Drawing.
A diagram depicting the maximum strains a material can undergo before necking and failure during forming.
A machine, either horizontal or vertical, used to fabricate formed metal stampings and wire forms, by the action of four forming slides acting upon a stationary mandrel or center tool.
A device driven by a cam that is mounted on the front shaft on a slide forming machine used to severe the blank from the strip before forming.
Welding method without addition of a filler metal, used to generate little, if any eruption above the original surface level.