Weld Positioners Save Time, Boost Quality and Productivity
July 19, 2023Comments
Using weld positioners that allow proper positioning of workpieces
and parts, welders can work more comfortably for longer periods of time,
explain officials from ALM Positioners, without the need of chains, forklifts
and cranes to move workpieces. Users reportedly experience throughput increases
to 40 percent with return on investment within 12 mo. after one positioner is
introduced into the production process.
For less experienced welders, positioners allow welders to learn the job processes quickly, allowing production to continue as needed even when skilled workers are absent, and new employees are still learning. And, upgrading to programmable or interrogator control platforms further boosts productivity. Programmable controls from ALM Positioners, which offers more than 40 positioner styles with customizable controls and features, provide a one-touch automated positioner for maximum operator efficiency and process conformity. The company’s robotic-integrated control package is designed for fully automated solutions.
Using weld positioners deliver improved weld quality as well, according to company officials, with weldments held in fixed positions that prevent any movement that compromises quality. Well-fixed workpieces guarantee maximum weld penetrations and deposition rates, as well as a 360-deg. rotations at speeds and positions comfortable for each welder. For enhanced weld-quality verification, intelligent, robotic and automated positioners also can be integrated into weld management software.
In addition, hooking large, heavy parts and fixtures to chains, forklifts and cranes can be dangerous and time-consuming. Positioners enable simple raising and positioning of weldments or parts to optimal heights, rotations and working positions within minutes, without compromising welder safety.
See also: ALM Positioners Inc
Technologies: Welding and Joining