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Bilsing Debuts Servo-Driven Carbon-Fiber T-Beam for High-Speed Tandem Presses

September 25, 2020
Bilsing-carbon-fiber-t-beamBilsing Automation, Attendorn, Germany (with U.S. headquarters in Roseville, MI), has introduced servo-controlled carbon-fiber (CF) T-Beams designed for high-speed tandem presses. Offering interchangeable tooling, the T-beams meet the dimensional specifications and requirements of General Motors World Tooling Standards and are adaptable to any robotic application.

Bilsing notes that the CF T-Beams are approximately 70-percent lighter than steel tooling (with 3.5 times the stiffness) and 25-percent lighter than aluminum T-beams, while also being dimensionally smaller. Additionally, the high elastic stiffness of the CF T-beams reportedly can significantly reduce vibration and deflection, to settle more rapidly and provide higher precision as compared to other materials. This allows for a smaller press opening during stamping, while improving production rates, minimizing wear and tear on machine parts and reducing capital-equipment investment through use of smaller robots and servo drives.


See also: Bilsing Automation North America

Technologies: Pressroom Automation


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