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ABB Introduces Braking-Distance Simulator to Improve Safety and Reduces Robot-Cell Footprint

February 10, 2021

ABB-robot-braking-distance-simulatorABB has upgraded its RobotStudio offline-programming and simulation software with a new virtual robot braking-distance function that creates an exact simulation of the real-world stopping distance of an industrial robot. The function avoids the need to add safety margins into cell designs, enabling floorspace savings of as much as 25 percent, say company officials. 

To compensate for the variability in robot stopping distances, engineers designing robot cells typically oversize them to allow for additional movement as the robot comes to a stop, which uses unnecessary space on the factory floor. This new function uses ABB's motion-control technology to predict the robot’s movements precisely and accurately, accounting for speed, payload and its own inertia, so that users can accurately determine the correct size of the required safety zone and the ideal location of light curtains, safety fencing and controllers.

Says Antti Matinlauri, head of product management for ABB Robotics: “Predicting the braking behavior of a robot with its payload will help system integrators and end users save time and costs, with as much as a 25-percent reduction in the footprint when it comes to designing and building a robot cell or setting up a safety zone. This will help our customers optimize their processes and get the most out of their automation solutions."

The virtual robot braking-distance function is one of several downloads available for RobotStudio.


See also: ABB Press Automation Solutions

Technologies: Pressroom Automation


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