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Electric Shaker Conveyors

June 19, 2023

Magnetic Products, Inc.

Booth D41235

Magnetic-Products-electric-shaker-conveyor-bin-FABTECH-2023Magnetic Products, Inc.’s patented Electric Shaker is the safest and most efficient way to convey scrap metal, parts, or other bulk materials in a smooth linear motion, according to company officials. The electric shaker motors are attached to a metal pan where the material is conveyed. MPI offers several different variations of the shaker drives designed to convey materials in different applications, over varying distances, and at transfer rates.

Simple in design, yet rugged, these electric shaker conveyors convey anything from fine metal to the most-destructive scrap metal pieces. The patented design allows for silent operation; an efficient electric drive; and a modular, scalable system that can deliver reduced downtime. These shakers commonly replace belt conveyors, such as steel-belt or rubber-belt conveyors, resulting in a rapid ROI due to increased uptime and lower changeover costs. Common applications include scrap systems for scrap management or scrap handling, and bulk material handling.

Press-mounted electric shaker conveyors are designed specifically for metal stamping applications where they mount to the stamping press using T-slot mounts on the bolster. The systems range in size depending on the width of the required crossbar for the press. High-capacity, floor-mounted horizontal-motion conveyors are designed to transfer at rates of more than 10,000 lb./hr. and distances of hundreds of feet.

Industry-Related Terms: Scrap, Transfer
View Glossary of Metalforming Terms


See also: Magnetic Products, Inc.

Technologies: Pressroom Automation


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