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AddUp, PostProcess Partner to Pair Printing, Post-Processing for AM Scalability

November 3, 2021

PostProess-AddUp-FormUp-350-New-GenerationAddUp Group, a manufacturer of metal-additive manufacturing (AM) machines and parts, has partnered with PostProcess, a provider of post-processing technology, to provide software-driven, scalable surface finishing inhouse at AddUp and to its AM-machine users.

PostProcess and AddUp share the vision that AM will not scale sustainably unless the entire process flow from design to finished part is digitized and automated, according to PostProcess officials, which requires industry collaboration among the ecosystem players. With this partnership, the officials note, AddUp and PostProcess lay the foundation for scaling affordably and safely the manufacturing of AM parts by not only reducing the cost of post-printing, but also improving safety and traceability through digitization and automation.

Joint work has started with an initial focus on parts printed by AddUp for a variety of industries, and post-printed with the PostProcess Deci Duo automated metal surface-finishing system. AddUp also will implement the Deci Duo system in two of its facilities in France and the United States. The pairing includes incorporation of the AddUp FormUp 350 New Generation AM machine (pictured), that can produce metal parts via medium-sized and fine powder.

“We found different applications in every field we work with to apply the combination of the FormUp 350 and the Deci Duo to meet the most challenging requirements of our customers,” says Frank Moreau, AddUp chief executive officer.

Industry-Related Terms: Scale, Surface
View Glossary of Metalforming Terms


See also: PostProcess Technologies, Addup-Additive Global Solutions



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