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Automatic, Programmable Rollforming Machine Ideal for C- and U-Channel Fabrication

September 1, 2008
Roll-Kraft, Mentor, OH, introduces the Ardcor AutoPro 315 rollforming machine, capable of producing C and U profiles from material 20 through 12 gauge (0.030-0.110 in. thick), in widths from 2.5 to 14 in., with flange height from 0.25 (U channel) and 1.25 in. (C channel) to 3.00 in., and in lengths from 5 ft. to more than 50 ft.

The machine’s custom-engineered software drives servo motors to control all aspects of machine positioning. The control can import and store as many as 200 part numbers with their respective machine settings, and has optional Ethernet connectivity for remote troubleshooting or programming updates. 

Other machine features include a manually adjustable entry guide; over-form and straightening stands with digital indicators to compensate for variations in stock width and material yield strength; anti-backlash heads on all upper spindles; and a lubrication system with six lube points and timers.

Industry-Related Terms: Flange, Gauge
View Glossary of Metalforming Terms


See also: Roll-Kraft

Technologies: Other Processes


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