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Xometry Introduces Digital Sourcing Tools on and New Cloud-Based MES for Suppliers

June 29, 2022

Xometry-MarketplaceXometry, Inc., a global online marketplace connecting enterprise buyers with suppliers of manufacturing services, has unveiled new digital sourcing tools on for enterprise buyers, and a new cloud-based manufacturing execution system (MES) for suppliers, which will be open to third-party developers to build integrated applications.

During an online event titled, “Xometry Marketplace Summit: Powering Tomorrow’s Supply Chain,” CEO Randy Altschuler detailed how the Xometry instant-quoting engine, job board and financial-services features from the Xometry Marketplace now are fully integrated into the platform. He also introduced the new Industrial Buying Engine that digitizes the RFQ process, condensing to just hours or minutes what once took days to complete and helping enterprise customers source and purchase from the more than 500,000 suppliers on 

Also introduced: Workcenter, a centralized project-management and payment solution that gives suppliers a one-stop view into all of their Xometry and non-Xometry work. With Workcenter, shop owners can build and manage workflows for all of their projects, quote new projects, assign tasks to team members, and track project status.


See also: Xometry

Technologies: Management


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