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Love, Life and Death at an Auto-Parts Company

May 12, 2020
 Rarely, if ever, have you read a novel that takes you inside an automotive-parts supplier, that is until you open up a new novel from John L. Daly titled, Tool & Die. The story takes place at Fairlane Tool and Manufacturing Company, a small automotive-parts manufacturer. The company successfully competes against large publicly traded companies, until a new executive joins the team and threatens the company’s collaborative corporate culture.

Daly's tale contains plenty of business substance for readers interested in management and corporate culture, but its charm lies in the story’s human side. He portrays credible characters in a medium-size manufacturing company, and offers interesting vignettes of role and personality conflicts while cleverly building up to a decidedly atypical workplace murder. 

Tool & Die is available in Kindle and paperback editions at  

Industry-Related Terms: Die
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Technologies: Management


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