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McGregor Metalworking Companies, Springfield, OH, welcomed Springfield High STEM School students on a guided tour of its Ohio Stamping & Machine facility. Since 2011, the high school has participated in a student internship program with McGregor Metalworking.

In Torrance, CA, Ace Clearwater showcased its manufacturing operations for nearly 200 students from local grade schools and colleges, “to fertilize their curiosity,” says Ace vice president Gary Johnson.

More than 20 tour groups totaling nearly 250 students from six high schools visited Ehrhardt Tool & Machine, Granite City, IL. Ehrhardt joined with nine other local companies to offer tours, “the largest combined Manufacturing Day event in the country,” says Ehrhardt president Bob Roseman.

Here we proudly present a photo montage from Manufacturing Day events held around the country. To learn more about Manufacturing Day and begin planning an event for 2014, visit MF

Industry-Related Terms: Die
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Technologies: Management


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