Custom Air Knives for Unique Applications
April 19, 2022Comments
Air knives from Exair provide effective blowoff, cooling, cleaning and drying in myriad manufacturing processes. To accommodate the variety of unique problems manufacturers face, Exair has the ability to customize and tailor air knives to different specifications. These customizations can range in size, shape and material, and include custom mounting holes and dimensions. They are created to solve distinct manufacturing challenges reaching beyond typical air-knife selections.
Users with space limitations can benefit from smaller knife lengths or skinnier profiles. In situations where the knife may need to be installed in a defined spot, special mounting brackets or additional/custom sized air inlets can be provided. Special marking requirements for tying knives to specific machines or critical processes can be accommodated. Unique shapes and profiles, such as double-sided or curved, also can be accommodated for certain specialized processes.
See also: Exair Corp
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