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United Wire Launches Expansion Project

October 10, 2023

United Wire Co., North Haven, CT, recently broke ground on an expansion project planned for completion in Q1 of 2024. The project includes a 5000-sq.-ft. addition to accommodate a state-of-the-art, three-stand wire-shaping mill, housed in a clean room and custom built by Fenn to manufacture specialty shaped medical wire.

Says Bob Swanson, United Wire president: “Our whole business is rooted in manufacturing custom-shaped wire designed to meet the unique requirements of each customer we work with. The new space and the equipment it will house will be essential to expanding our product capabilities, helping to better serve existing customers while also opening opportunities to accommodate new customers.”

The new equipment features a non-contact optical gauge with precision servo-motor dimensional monitoring and control, and will be capable of creating flat and rectangle wire as small as 0.002 by 0.005 in. with tolerances as tight as +/-0.0001 in. The machine also will include a precision traversing spool take-up that will have the flexibility to handle the customer’s desired spool size. 

“Fenn has an excellent reputation as a custom metal forming machinery builder, and we’re glad to support another Connecticut based manufacturer as part of our growth and expansion process,” adds Swanson. “Supporting and helping one another grow is what we’re all about.”

Industry-Related Terms: Forming, Gauge
View Glossary of Metalforming Terms


See also: FENN-Torin Metal Forming, United Wire Co., Inc.

Technologies: Management


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