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Assembly Cell Combines Robot With Fastener and Feed Assembly

February 4, 2025

OTC-Daihen-Nitto-Seiko-Assembly-CellOne of many products featured at OTC Daihen Inc.’s January open house in Tipp City, OH: an assembly cell combining an OTC Daihen robot with a Nitto Seiko single-spindle fastener drive and feeder assembly. Nitto Seiko's automatic fastener-driving systems are designed to meet precise assembly needs of industries that demand high efficiency and reliability, such as automotive and electronics manufacturing. These systems excel in automating the fastening of components where consistent torque and precision are critical, offer officials from both companies. 

The cell also can be fitted with Nitto Seiko’s multi-spindle fastener-driving unit. The unit contains all feeders, spindles, motors and controllers to drive anywhere from two to 12 fasteners during a single cycle. Dual escapement feeders, allowing a single feeder to feed two drivers, are utilized to reduce the amount of feeders needed.
Industry-Related Terms: Torque
View Glossary of Metalforming Terms


See also: OTC-Daihen, Inc., Nitto Seiko America

Technologies: Pressroom Automation, Welding and Joining


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