Replacement Tooling for Amada ABS Systems
December 1, 2009Comments
Mate Precision Tooling, Anoka, MN, introduces AMX ABS tooling—punches and strippers compatible with Amada ABS assemblies and holders. The tooling features internal lubrication within the punch guide and external lubrication between the punch guide and the turret bore to help prevent galling, slivering and slug pulling. Precision machined of premium M2 high-speed steel using Mate’s specially developed heat-treatment process, AMX punches combine with hardened and ground stripper guides to extend tool and turret life.
The tooling is available in A- and B-station punches, stripper guides and assemblies as well as C-, D- and E-station punches and strippers designed for use in all Amada machines equipped with ABS capability.
Mate Precision Tooling: 763-421-0230;
See also: Mate Precision Tooling
Technologies: CNC Punching