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Robot Offers Superior Path Accuracy for Laser-Cutting Applications

August 7, 2012
New from Motoman, Dayton, OH, is the MC2000 Master Cut robot, designed with high rigidity and precision drives to provide superior path accuracy for laser cutting of small holes and sharp corners. Path accuracy can be within 0.1 mm, depending on the application. Formcut software automatically generates the ideal path based on user-specified geometry. Circle, rectangle, ellipse, pentagon and hexagon shapes are supported, providing definition of shape and size rotation from a single programmed point. Cut-motion start and overlap, robot speed, timing options and corner radii are defined in a single cut.

The MC2000 features a 110-lb payload, 80-in. horizontal reach, 124-in. vertical reach and ±0.003-in. repeatability. In addition to material cutting, the six-axis floor-mounted robot can be used for laser welding and dispensing applications. 

Motoman Robotics Division of Yaskawa America, Inc.: 937/847-6200;

Industry-Related Terms: Circle, Corner, Laser Welding, LASER, Point
View Glossary of Metalforming Terms

Technologies: Bending


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