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Oil-Free Multipurpose Lubricant

September 6, 2012
Irmco Advanced Lubricant Technologies, Evanston, IL, a manufacturer of synthetic lubricants, has introduced a new oil-free product that it describes as “affordable but that also can be used for multiple applications.” Dubbed Irmco Fluids 323-M80, the medium-viscosity, highly dilutable product is easily removed with a plain water wash. Even at low concentrations, 323-M80 reportedly provides uniform wettability and superior corrosion protection. Typical applications include medium- to light-duty stampings using lighter gauge materials. The lubricant is best suited for ferrous alloys.

Irmco offers a complete series of formulations within the 323 product category, with medium to high viscosity and offering varying degrees of protection, for easily formed parts as well as challenging draws.

Irmco: 800/323-2933;

Industry-Related Terms: Ferrous, Gauge, Viscosity
View Glossary of Metalforming Terms

Technologies: Bending


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