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New Roundtables Scheduled for Early 2009

January 1, 2009

PMA is offering two new roundtables at the beginning of 2009 that address timely industry topics. On January 13, a Going Green to Make Green roundtable will focus on implementing green manufacturing initiatives and how they can improve the environment as well as boost your company’s bottom line. Discussion topics include the cost of energy, justifying green instruments, reusable packaging, energy and power factors, green lubricants, green finishing and employee staffing efficiency. 

On February 5, a Zero-Defect Stamping roundtable will focus on why metalforming processes are not zero-defect and how to address these issues to improve performance. Discussion topics include raw materials, material handling, process engineering, employee training, equipment selection, preventive-maintenance, tooling design, quality, cost drivers and post-process validation. 

These are just two of the many roundtables that PMA offers. Others cover tool and die technology, CFO issues, IT topics, human resource issues, marketing and sales, safety and quality. For more information, contact Michelle Underwood or Deanna Cunningham at 216/901-8800.

Industry-Related Terms: Die
View Glossary of Metalforming Terms


See also: Precision Metalforming Association

Technologies: Bending


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