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High-Speed Stamping Press and Tryout Press All Rolled into One

November 30, 2012
Placed on the world’s metalforming stage at EuroBlech by Bruderer was the BPG 22 planetary gearbox that, when installed on its BSTA 510 stamping press, turns the production high-speed press into a tryout machine at the flick of a switch. A planetary gearbox built into the shaft of the main motor of a fully automated stamping press enables test runs to be carried out, under manual control, at a low stroke rate and at full press capacity. The values that are produced can then be carried over exactly and used during a regular production process.

The three-level planetary gearbox has a ratio of approximately 1:19. And, so we were told by Bruderer engineers, the real heart of the BPG 22 is the software and the manual control for the machine of ram height and stroke rates. The machine operator can start the top and bottom dead center individually and move the ram to within 0.01 mm. He also can jog the ram slowly forwards or backwards in fixed geometrical increments or by regulated shifting using preset values.

The new 22-kW planetary gearbox is available for the BSTA 510 with three different die-mounting lengths--950, 1100 and 1250 mm, exclusively for new machines.



Industry-Related Terms: Center, Ram, Stroke
View Glossary of Metalforming Terms

Technologies: Bending


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