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CNC Adjustable V-Dies for LVD Strippit Press Brakes

April 1, 2012

LVD Strippit, Akron, NY, introduces the Vari-Vee V30-140 CNC adjustable V-die, engineered for use in its complete range of PPEB and Easy-Form press brakes. The Vari-Vee V30-140 complements the company’s heavy-duty Vari-Vee option. This smaller die offers the benefits of a variable and adjustable-bottom V-die to a broader range of press-brake models—from 320 to 1000 tons, with length to 315 in.

The die provides automatic adjustment of the V-width in increments of 0.39 in., minimizing setup time and providing flexibility. The variable die allows the bending of sharp angles, to 50 deg. for the maximum V-width, particularly useful when forming high-strength materials exhibiting significant springback.

The radius on the V-die is a hardened insert machined with LVD’s patented Stone compound curve, for optimal rolling and friction-reducing properties. The die proves ideal for applications that demand bending of different thicknesses of materials; frequent die changes; bending thick materials with large V widths or different radii on the same component; and for bending high-strength materials that tend to crack while bending.

Strippit, Inc.: 800/828-1527;
Industry-Related Terms: Bending, CNC, Die, Forming, Insert
View Glossary of Metalforming Terms


See also: LVD North America

Technologies: Bending


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