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CTC Granted $1 million from Northeastern University

June 13, 2018

Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC) has been granted two 1-yr. subaward contracts totaling $1 million from Northeastern University, supporting its Army Research Laboratory. 

The first will advance research and develop innovations in energy efficiency, ballistic engineering and advanced de-contaminable and low-observable coatings to benefit the next generation of Army tactical shelters as well as Army air and ground vehicles. The second will further efforts to investigate the cold-spray AM process to repair Army and other Department of Defense air assets, focusing on 7000 series aluminum alloy structural and non-structural components.

“Both of these efforts will leverage technologies that are at the core of our engineering R&D expertise,” says Edward J. Sheehan Jr., CTC president and CEO. “We are particularly gratified that these projects will apply our capabilities and experience to a new client base for us, the U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research, Development & Engineering Center (NSRDEC), which is managing the tactical shelter project. NSRDEC is a leader in Warfighter science and technology development.”

For more,

Industry-Related Terms: Aluminum Alloy, Center, Core
View Glossary of Metalforming Terms


See also: Concurrent Technologies Corporation



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