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   Spotlight on PMA
Support for Manufacturing Day
development, operational excellence, and diversity and inclusion topics; social events to expand participants’ networks; and plant tours of innovative manufac- turing facilities-—Kaman Corp., CNC Soft- ware, Hartford Flavor Co., Trumpf Inc. and Pratt & Whitney.
 MetalForming magazine and the Precision Metal-
forming Association (PMA) encourage manufacturers
to support Manufacturing Day, scheduled for October 6,
2017. MFG Day offers metalforming and fabricating
companies an opportunity to connect with future gen-
erations of workers, take charge of the public image of manufacturing and ensure the ongoing prosperity of the industry. Visit for details.
Visit summit2017 for conference details and registration information.
Another resource to support MFG Day activities is the Center for Metalforming Careers website, Powered by the PMA Educational Foundation, the site offers resources to assist companies in highlighting metalforming careers—during their MFG Day event and year-round.
Women in Manufacturing SUMMIT: “Unified in MFG”
August 16-17, 3D Metal Printing Expe- rience and Tech Tour, Schaumburg, IL August 22-23, Die Maintenance Semi- nar, Cleveland, OH
PMA is a proud sponsor of the 7th annual Women in Manufacturing Summit, September 13-15, 2017, in Hartford, CT. This year’s theme is “Unified in MFG,” and the agenda highlights all of the reasons why manufacturing makes an outstanding career choice for women.
August 30, ALUMITECH—Forming and Fabricating of Aluminum, Cleveland, OH
The Summit program includes inspiring keynote presentations featuring speakers from Building Brave, Intel, Mary Kay Inc. Manufacturing, Oshkosh Defense and other companies; breakout sessions on technology, leadership and professional
Visit or contact PMA at 216/901-8800 or for details about these upcoming events.
Upcoming Calendar of Events
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