Page 11 - MetalForming March 2016
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 strip products within the glob- al steel and metals industry.
son processing facility, and plans to increase its existing production and distribution capability with the installation of additional processing equipment.
how it impacts hydraulic com- ponents and gaskets. “The oil works at least as well in our lines as conventional hydraulic oil, and it also has superior qualities in terms of fire safety and the environ- ment,” says Patrik Haglund, presses product manager for AP&T.
tains facilities in Frankfort, IL; Ontario, Canada; and Hous- ton, TX.
Mill Steel Buys Assets of S&S Steel Services
Mate Precision Tooling, Anoka, MN, has named Michael Brown vice president of international sales. Mate produces metal-fabrication tooling.
Mill Steel Co., Grand Rapids, MI, a distributor of flat-rolled carbon steel, has acquired assets of S&S Steel Services, Inc., an Anderson, IN-based supplier of carbon flat-rolled steel services. The purchase allows Mill Steel to expand its product line and geographic presence.
The strategic acquisition will support Mill Steel’s grow- ing automotive, construction, home appliance, agriculture and HVAC business in the southeastern United States and Mexico.
The Outokumpu board of directors has appointed Roe- land Baan president and chief executive officer of Out- okumpu and chairman of the company’s leadership team. The company, headquartered in Espoo, Finland, provides stainless steel to a variety of industries.
Mill Steel will continue steel slitting and cut-to-length processing operations and certain members of the com- pany’s leadership and com- mercial teams will remain in place, according to company officials. In addition, Mill Steel expects to create as many as 20 sales and production jobs at its 215,000-sq.-ft. Ander-
Roll-Kraft, Mentor, OH, has named Sanjay Singh as presi- dent of Roll-Kraft, with former president, Chuck Gehrisch, continuing in his role as chair- man and chief executive offi- cer. Singh joined Roll-Kraft in 2013 as executive vice presi- dent. Roll-Kraft is a tooling supplier to the tube-and-pipe and rollforming industry. Besides its headquarters in Mentor, the company main-
MetalForming/March 2016 9
AP&T has approved the use of a synthetic fire-resist- ant hydraulic oil for hot envi- ronments within AP&T’s press- hardening lines. The oil, from Quaker Chemical Corp., Con- shohocken, PA, was extensive- ly tested in AP&T’s press-hard- ening lines, according to Quaker officials, to determine
Formtek Group has pro- moted Mike Roy to South- eastern regional sales manag- er. The company supplies equipment to the metalform- ing and metal-processing industries.
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