Page 50 - MetalForming May 2014
P. 50

  Tooling Update
Programming Files for Trumpf-Style Forming Tool and Special Shapes Enable Speedy Press Setup
Mate’s Trumpf-style tooling includes a full range of options including Next high- performance tooling, QuickLock conven- ience tooling, standard-style economy tooling, and LongLife slitting tools.
Mate Precision Tooling: 763/421-0230;
Mate Precision
Tooling, Anoka, MN,
has developed new
Trumpf-style forming-
tool and special-
shape programming
files to ease and
quicken the setup of
new CNC punch
presses, even before
the tooling arrives.
Now, buyers of
Mate’s Trumpf-style
forming tools and
special shapes
receive programming
files via e-mail. Previously, setup was done either manually from setup drawings or with files provided on a USB stick from the original equipment manufacturer.
Literature Explains Engineered Clearance for High-Strength Steels
 “E-mailing the files to the customer for import allows users to start program-
ming and setting up their machine while it’s still being manufactured,” says Mate marketing manager John Galich. “By being able to do all of the prep work ahead of time, customers can essentially start the job once the tool arrives.”
A new six-page brochure from Dayton Progress Corp., Dayton, OH, explains how optimizing punch-to-die clearance can significantly affect the quality of the result- ing hole characteristics. Also available online, the brochure discusses how the tra- ditional 5-percent-per-side clearance proves insufficient for stamping many state-of-the-art high-strength steels. It walks readers through proper clearance specification based on material type and
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