Page 22 - MetalForming August 2017
P. 22

Servo Successes
  time gave us the flexibility we needed to increase our press speed and to bet- ter handle the increased orders we were seeing for AHSS work (E&E stamps a lot of DP800 material). Now that press is running 24 hr./day, five days/week.”
What Work Landed on E&E’s New Servo Press?
“We were really trying to stay ahead of the market with that press,” Scherle says, espousing the company’s ‘build it and they will come’ philosophy. “Ini- tially, we looked to run tools where we could take advantage of the ability to tailor the ram speed and acceleration during forming. We loaded the press with tools that had a blank-off-coil or a draw station up front, since we can control the draw speed and the transfer pitch, which you cannot do in a regular eccentric-geared press.”
Another benefit derived with the Schuler servo-transfer press, according to Scherle: the inline shear, “which gives us a real advantage,” he says.
In July of this year, E&E added a second big-bed Schuler transfer press, this one a 2000- metric-ton beast with 7300 by 2500-mm bed. Among its selling points is the tailout fea- ture on the press’s feed line, which can eliminate 10 to 20 ft. of material waste per coil.
“Compared to blanking in a separate operation, we can shear inline, when part geometry allows, so that our cus- tomer in essence gets that hit for free.”
With its initial servo press at
capacity, E&E again went to the well to position itself for future growth and, in July of this year, added a sec- ond big-bed Schuler transfer press, this one a 2000-metric-ton beast with
SINCE 1973
SERVO • MECHANICAL HYDRAULIC • AUTOMATION 35–3000 Ton • Turn-Key Engineering
Contact Us for Your Next Press Solution
SIMPAC AMERICA 850 Stephenson Hwy. Ste. 400, Troy MI 48083 (248) 828-6294
             SERVO PRESS
High Productivity, High Accuracy, Eco Friendly, Custom Slide Motion Press
2000 Ton (metric) 3D Transfer Automation System for BMW Tier 1 Bolster Size: 7,300 x 2,500 mm
Full Stroke (750mm) 25 SPM • Pendulum Stroke MAX 35 SPM
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