Page 28 - MetalForming October 2013
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MetalForming/October 2013
Educational Program
Each of the four sponsoring organ- izations backing FABTECH—the Precision Metalforming Associa- tion (PMA), the Fabricators and Man- ufacturers Association (FMA), the American Welding Society (AWS) and the Chemical Coaters Association Inter- national (CCAI)—produces its own set of conference tracks throughout the week. Technology areas addressed: fin- ishing, stamping, cutting, lasers, form- ing and fabricating, job shop solutions, automation and robotics, lean, man- agement, tube and pipe, and welding.
The complete conference schedule is available online, www.fabtechex- Here are a few highlights from each day.
Monday, November 18
8:00-10:00 a.m.
• Precision Punching and Cutting Technology:
a. Tooling Solutions for Stamping b. New Technology for Increased
Tool Life and Shear Edge Quality in Punching

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