Page 12 - Metalorming Magazine January/February 2023
P. 12

                 alloys, and other materials, the new straightener structure facilitates easy roll cleaning. The loop between the uncoiler, straightener and roll feeder has been optimized and reduced, saving 40 percent more space compared to a roll feeder with a down-loop straightener. And, the angle of the straightener and the shape of the material guide can be adjusted according to the material type and its specifications, to enable development of an optimum loop shape and a stable feed.
Lastly, the roll-feeder drive employs a cam-driven servo pilot-release mecha- nism, and digital pressurization to adjust the pressure applied to the feed roll according to the specifications of the material. This reportedly reduces scratches on the workpiece materials, minimizes noise and air consumption, and improves roll-feed durability.
Press specs: 100-mm stroke length, 170 stroke/min. in pendulum mode at 50-mm stroke, 320-mm die height.
Roll-feeder specs: 0.2-1.0-mm sheet- thickness range, 2000-kg max coil weight, 1200-mm max coil OD and 6.0-m/sec. max feed speed.
Amada Press System:
Incident Management
Software Improves
Employee Engagement
at Aluminum Producer
Golden Aluminum, established in 1982 by the Coors Brewing Company to provide Coors with a complete aluminum can (body, lid and tab) from a single alloy made from recycled beverage cans, now produces aluminum for beverage and food packaging, as well as other industries including automotive home products and electronics. Workplace safety and health at the 200-employee manufacturer took on a new level of emphasis when Ryan Thompson took over there as EHS (envi- ronmental health and safety) manager in January of 2021, and noted the lack of
any centralized incident-reporting system beyond reporting incidents and logging them onto a spreadsheet.
So goes a case study on the website of VelocityEHS describing the investment Thompson and Golden Aluminum recently made in the VelocityEHS Safety incident- management software platform. “One of the biggest tangible improvements we
saw was an increase in engagement,” Thompson says. “We’re getting a lot more people feeling like they have a voice— they can put in an observation or near miss and see action being taken,” he adds. “That was the goal, to empower everybody and create positive, proactive change.”
Tech Update
   Lubricant Spray Application and Monitoring System
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MetalForming/January/February 2023 9

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